Triathalon training in the UK. Training Bible.

Thursday, 14 February 2013

A few people know that I am in for an IM distance race this year and have been asking me about the type of training I am doing right now in preparation. So I thought I would post up a typical weeks training at the moment to give you an idea of what I am up to and the reasons behind it.

I am doing Challenge Henley in September with a few good friends. Right now I am spending time doing mostly conditioning work to get myself ready for more race like training in a few months time. Call it base if you want, but I also like to mix things up a bit so I can stay keen and just enjoy the training. My main race goal is to enjoy the experience and do what I can up front to ensure that happens. I love the journey of doing the training towards an event, this has become more important than the event itself, although for me that may just be an age thing as I am not looking to bust PB's its just a great way to stay in shape.

The focus of my conditioning work has been to make sure I am the right work in the gym to get and stay strong and so ensuring I can train consistently in the 3 sports. I am an OK swimmer typically around the hour for an IM so mostly I am doing short feel for the water, rhythm sessions. This often includes continuous swims including some Fartlek or building to a strong steady pace and holding. My main endurance work has been on the bike and limiting the running to twice a week avoid over fatigue or injury.

Typical Conditioning week

Sunday - Long  Bike ride (with hills usually about 4 hours anything from 60-75 miles weather permitting.)
Monday - AM Gym session (60 mins)  PM Easy Swim continuous (30 mins)
Tuesday - AM Easy run 7-9 miles (75 mins)  PM Easy Spin or skills session on Watt Bike (60 mins)
Wednesday AM Watt Bike hard intervals (70-90 mins)   PM Continuous swim (Fartlek 30 -40 mins)
Thursday AM Gym Session (60 mins)  PM Steady run 8-10 miles (60- 80 mins)
Friday  Day off every other week  - Or Watt bike Aerobic intervals (60 mins)
Saturday AM Swim Intervals (45 mins) followed by Indoor spin with training group (90 mins)

Typical training week is between 12-14 hours - I tend to take rest days when I feel like I need them rather than on schedule it seems to work for me like that but I am well versed to listening to my body after 40 odd years of regular athletic training. I will look to get 16 weeks of this type of training together before I start to look at more specific race focused.

Please feel free to post up questions or ask them on my Facebook page.
Rob :)

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