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Monday, 8 November 2010

The Nature of Reality

Saw this lovely little anecdote from Micheal Neill and wanted to share it..

You are in an art studio filled with painters, standing at their easels. Although you cannot see it from where you are standing, they are all looking in the direction of a small platform in the center of the room and painting what they see.
As you walk around the room, you notice small and sometimes vast discrepancies between what people are painting on their canvases. Arguments break out in parts of the room as to whether or not the model for the painting is more one color than another, taller or shorter, uglier or more beautiful than rendered.
You begin to become curious about what it is that everyone is painting, so you make your way to the center of the room and discover to your surprise that there is absolutely nothing there. The emptiness of the center is palpable.
Suddenly you realize the reason that everyone is painting things differently isn't their point of view from what part of the room their easel happens to be placed - it's that what they are "viewing" is only a projection of their own thoughts.
Its a great way of undersatnding why our the Human world is such an amazing and creative place to explore and why sometimes its equally scary and totally bonkers!

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